Recognize Structures of Oppression

Learning Objective

Learners will explore how the structures of power and oppression manifest within healthcare systems and impact sexual and reproductive health outcomes.

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Personal Reflection Questions

  1. Think of the inequitable structures in your community or institution. How might they impact your patients?
  2. What are a few potential targets for action that would address some of these inequities?
  3. Did learning about these structures impact how you view your community?


Healthy People 2020

Structural Competency 

The Body is Not An Apology


Racial residential segregation is associated with higher rates of preterm birth for Black women

Physicians spend less time with clinically obese patients and fail to refer them for diagnostic tests compared to thinner patients.

  • Phelan SM, Burgess DJ, Yeazel MW, Hellerstedt WL, Griffin JM, van Ryn M. Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity. Obes Rev. 2015 Apr;16(4):319-26. doi: 10.1111/obr.12266. Epub 2015 Mar 5. PubMed PMID: 25752756; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4381543.